Join the UA 
Why Choose a Union?
Joining the UA will be one of the most important decisions of your life. It is the beginning of a career that will provide you with a great sense of pride. Working for a union will provide you with a great wage package that includes healthcare benefits as well as a pension plan so you can retire comfortably. Unions fight for workers rights, as well as making sure the contractors oblige by the Collective Agreement. Through Collective Bargaining, the UA negotiates contracts for their members using their strength through numbers. These contracts assure all members have the right to a safe work environment as well as higher wages than our non-union counterparts. By becoming a union member, you join a Brotherhood of skilled men and women that all have a voice on how the union is run. Being involved and participating in union business you are paving the way for your own future. If you are looking for a career in the Piping Trades the UA leads the way.